
Server Informations
Ammunition/Potions/Runes Ammunition, potions and runes, are not infinite. Only infinite ammunition is small stone, which paladins use for skilling.
TravelsTravels via boat or magic carpet have same prices as RL tibia, doing postman quest reduces travelling costs.
Stamina Stamina guarantees 50% more exp for 3 h and 4h for vip players
Stamina from 0 to 40h regenerates in ratio 2.5 minute outside game to 1 of regenerated stamina.
For non-vip players stamina from 40 to 43h regenerate in ratio 7,5 minutes to 1 minute regenerated stamina.
For vip players stamina from 40 to 44h regenerate in ratio 5 minutes to 1 minute regnerated stamina
Class Information
PaladinMana regeneration 9 mana every 5 seconds
Soul regeneration every 120 seconds
Royal PaladinMana regeneration 9 mana co 3 seconds
Soul regeneration every 15 seconds
KnightMana regeneration 9 mana every 5 seconds
Soul regeneration co 120 seconds
Elite KnightMana regeneration 9 mana every 3 seconds
Soul regeneration every 15 seconds
Druid,SorcererMana regeneration 9 mana every 3 seconds
Soul regeneration every 120 seconds
Elder Druid, Master SorcererMana regeneration 9 mana every 2 seconds
Soul regeneration every 15 seconds
Map Information
Map information Map on server is downgraded RL map from 10.77 to 8.6 tibia.
All locations from 8.6 are reachable, places like Gnomegate or Roshamuul are not enabled at the moment (location will be added in future)
In future updates of server there will be added locations, suggestion can be posted on forum or discord.
Quests Server got all quests from 8.6 Tibia like: PoI, INQ, Djins, Postman, Yalahari, Demon Oak and much more, are 100% replicated from RL Tibia.
Training monks Online training spots - teleport is in every temple.
Offline training statues - are located in RL tibia spots, also statues are located near online training monks.
Basic Information
Exp rate1 - 199 level, 4x
200 - 349 level, 3x
350 - 699 level, 2x
700+ level, 1x
Global bank systemTak
Global depotTak
Loot rate2x
Magic rate3x
Max multi-client6 clients per IP
Skill rate4x
PVP protectionto 100 level
Administration contact