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Boards >> News >> Patch - 08.02.2024 - 1.0.1

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Patch - 08.02.2024 - 1.0.1
by God Shakra
God Shakra

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Level: 1

Posts: 37
Patch - 08.02.2024 - 1.0.1
Minor Patch fixes:
Postman quest - reworked from scratch and added more "safe" scripts so players won't bug out during quest.
Map fixes in Oriath, Goroma and missing doors in Carlin.
Fixed few npc's in Oriath - minor dialogue changes and preparing for new quests in island.
Pirate islands NPC's are reworked - access to island will be same as in real tibia.
Exercise training - increased amount of skills gained - formula for each of the gained
Distance weapons - 3.6 * bonusVip * skillLevelRate
Melee weapons - 7.2 * bonusVip * skillLevelRate
Magic level - 500 * bonusVip * magicLevelRate
Distance weapons - 5.4 * bonusVip * skillLevelRate
Melee weapons - 9.2 * bonusVip * skillLevelRate
Magic level - 700 * bonusVip * magicLevelRate
That means 50% more skill rate with bow, 28% more with melee weapons and 40% more with wands/rods
Prices of the exercise weapons will stay the same for now
07.02.24 13:18:04
Edited by God Shakra
on 18.03.24 18:43:15
