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Boards >> News >> Patch 31.12.2022

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Patch 31.12.2022
by God Shakra
God Shakra

Profession: None
Level: 1

Posts: 37
Patch 31.12.2022
Weekend boost for new year:
Exp rate will be increased from x2 to x3
Skill and magic rate from x2 to x4
Added blessing potions - all blessings contained in 1 item.
Reworked command section on site, added missing commands.

Introducing monthly draw - starting from January 2023, there will be system which allow players to gain exotic items by playing.
Items posted don't represent any real money value - items are in game and cannot be transferred outside game.
Tickets will be summed up if there is same IP on all characters,you can't win more than once in month.
Draw will be public in first Saturday of the month(Next one is 04.02.2023) on discord server.
There is no way to buy tickets, you can only get them by playing.
1 Ticket per day, there are 2 ways to enter for ticket.
First - require you to play for 2 hours and gain at least 500k exp
Second - require you to play at least 8h - no exp required.
Tickets will be visible here

Bug fixes
Capacity when you don't have enough weight to take quest item, should display correctly now.
Banshee Quest Seal fixed.
Fixed unnatural selection in Ab'Dendriel
Removed inproper textures near Darashia
Added missing tome of knowledge chest - Uneasy Alliance
Glooth weapons now remove stacks properly.
Auction house had problem with some auctions not registering proper amount when bought bigger stacks of items.
Problem is fixed, still working on refunding all players.
Barrels have proper description.
Draptor and Captain Guillver are no longer without "outfit".
Shardhead boss teleport fixed
Melian carpet - fixed kazordoon position when using his magic carpet.
31.12.22 12:23:48
Edited by God Shakra
on 31.12.22 12:43:20
