
Character Information
Name:Giliatovsky pl
Profession:Royal Paladin
Guild Membership:the Leader of the Znowu Bota Mi Wywalilo
Balance:2733494 gold coins
Last login:20 August 2023, 8:07 pm
Created:23 February 2023, 7:22 pm
Player Health: 2416/2495
Player Mana:634/3555
Player Experience:222533363 EXP.
To Next Level:You need 2174437 EXP to Level 240.
Level ML Fist Mace Sword Axe Dist Def Fish
239 31 29 10 11 11 116 100 10
7 Apr 2023, 14:31Died at level 230 by a hellhound
23 Mar 2023, 08:57Died at level 203 by a medusa
13 Mar 2023, 06:28Died at level 161 by an elf scout
7 Mar 2023, 14:14Died at level 121 by a nightmare
28 Feb 2023, 17:15Died at level 78 by a dragon
28 Feb 2023, 12:21Died at level 72 by a mechanical fighter
27 Feb 2023, 10:52Died at level 62 by a wasp
25 Feb 2023, 03:18Died at level 51 by a dragon lord

Account Information
VIP status:90 days
Last login:19 August 2023, 8:20 pm
Created:23 February 2023, 7:20 pm
Account Status:Premium Account

1. Giliat [DELETED]8 KnightOffline
2. Giliatovsky239 Royal PaladinOffline

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