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Boards >> News >> Patch 15.06.2022

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Patch 15.06.2022
by God Shakra
God Shakra

Profession: None
Level: 1

Posts: 37
Patch 15.06.2022
Patch will be deployed 15.06.2022
Weekend bonus is now enabled from 15.06 to 19.06 - 25% bonus exp, magic rate and skills rate.
Server changes:
Changed haste spells exhaust from 2s to 1.5s
Changed loot from renegade knight - crown legs 1,28% to 1,08%, crown helmet from 1,2% to 1%.
Changed loot from vile grandmaster - crown armor 2% to 1,6%, crown helmet from 1,2 to 0,84%, crown legs from 1,68% to 1,28%
Future changes:
There will be new client deployed 20.06 - which will be required to play - without this client you may encounter more bugs. There will be 8.6 version and otclient.
With this clients you will be able to see new instance that will be added in next weeks(The Hive, Oramond, Roshamuul)
15.06.22 10:05:15
