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Boards >> News >> Patch 07.06.2022

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Patch 07.06.2022
by God Shakra
God Shakra

Profession: None
Level: 1

Posts: 37
Patch 07.06.2022
Patch will be deployed 07.06.2022
Server changes:
Changed demon skinning chance from 3% to 9 % - according to wiki
Venogth Castle - changed quest gates to lvl gates (50 lvl).
Venogth Werewolves - fixed spawn according to wiki - number of werewolves were off by few.
Etehereal spear - changed formula which calculates max and min damage for exori con.
According to old formulae and new formulae
From min= LVL/5 + distanceskill *0,7
To min =LVL/5 + (distanceskill +25)/3
From max = LVL/5 + distanceskill + 5
To max = LVL/5 + distanceskill + 25
Where average is (max+min)/2 - based on
Changed whole raid system to be more "realistic" - raids/bosses spawn now with intervals closer to Real Tibia. All values were adjusted so you don’t have to wait for orshabaal 180 days.
Removed Oceanborn Leviathan Armor from SeaSerpent loot.
Changed hellspawn drop - from candy cake to demonic essence.
Temporarily market for buying items is taken down - to revisit and improve.
NPC Lector now sells more types of food
Added newest minimap for OtClient - look for map in download section.
Bug fixes:
Renegade Knight and Vile Grandmaster - now normally deal dmg with their exori skills.
Fixed knight starting items - double sword and axe.
Fixed paladin "swing" attribute, which was in old Tibia - prevented attacking when spamming pots or moving too much.
06.06.22 23:31:24
Edited by God Shakra
on 07.06.22 12:04:03
