
Welcome to Real OTS

Ostatnia utworzona postac : Knajciq, Witamy i zycze dobrej gry!
Najwyzszy poziom na serverze: Godfrey (806). Gratulacje!
Nov 09 2024 -
09.11.2024 - Patch - 1.2
Summary changes over the last months:
Added new rings to game:
They can be created in Oriath, NPC January.
Process is similiar to crafting umbral weapons.
There are 3 levels of each ring with this propeties:
Magic Skill, Distance, Melee, Shielding have 3 levels +1/+2/+4.
Mana regen 3/6/10 per 2 s
Life regen 6/12/20 per 2s
Speed 12/24/36
Chances of craft are the same as umbral items.

Lottery is reworked
Now automaticlly every month list of players from previous month is calculated - method is same as in previous months.
There are always 5 winners every month, soon it will be changed so tickets refresh every save.

Raids rework:
Changed raids - readded town raids and world changes.
All raids that were executed you can see at:
New - There are events now that are not shown on list - which spawn loot goblins in random location.
Note: This was added 2.11 so raids executed after this date are shown.

Loot goblins have chance to drop exclusive loot, they can look different but always called Goblin.
(They can use skill utevo res ina to change into near monster, so they are harder to detect by players)

If you have idea for december event - you can write in discord or mail provided in server info section.

Bug fixes:
New frontier bug with beaver.
Slime wasn't dissapearing after death.
Lazaran problem with quest - sometimes player could loop quest.
Fixed What a Foolish Quest Cookie delivery - player could deliver cookie to npc more than 1 time.
Fixed flask problem with What a Foolish Quest.

May 14 2024 -
Patch - 14.05.2024 - 1.1.2
Exp rate from 1 to 199 is now x4.
Changed 80 NPC's that had non standard mechanics to take money from bank as well.
Added missing mooh'tah shell to Alaistar.
Changed frag time from 7 days to 5 days.
Added atlas to Angus - quest not required.
Bug fixes
Fixed tortoise egg - mechanic didn't work.
Fixed final ask for outfit - after finishing all missions required to acquire pirate outfit.
Fixed minor map bugs.
What's coming?:
Next update will have new 7 spawns on Oriath - monsters are not chosen yet, you can add your suggestions #suggestions discord channel.

Apr 27 2024 -
Patch - 27.04.2024 - 1.1.1
Extended max depot items from 2k to 4k items.
Removed bug which caused normal 8.6 tibia to crash.
Changed loot for the horned fox and lord of the elements.

Apr 21 2024 -
Patch - 20.04.2024 - 1.1
Update Notice: Client Version Required
New client version
Changes to Core Server Mechanics:
Depot Mailbox:
Introduced a depot mailbox for convenient item management.
In-Game Market:
Implemented an in-game market system, enhancing player trading and economy dynamics.
Experience Cap Adjustment:
Players are no longer capped at 2147483647 experience in the skills window.
Parcel and Depot Handling Overhaul:
Revised all mechanics related to sending parcels and depot item management to streamline the mail system.
OTClient Requirement for Market:
OTClient is required to access the in-game market, ensuring compatibility and optimal functionality.
Minimap Update:
Updated the minimap included in the client.
Item Stackability Changes:
Certain items such as life crystals, berserker potions, and premium items are now stackable to maintain game balance and economy integrity.
Premium Item ID Update:
Premium items have been assigned new IDs. Existing premium items will be automatically transformed over the weekend to align with the updated system.
Bug Fix:
Door Item Disappearance addressed a problem with doors that could cause items to disappear, particularly in quest-related scenarios.
Problem with stone carved stone made pathing weird in some scenarios.
Note: Please download the latest version of the client from the download section to access these new features and ensure compatibility with the updated game mechanics.

Mar 18 2024 -
Patch - 18.03.2024 - 1.0.2
NPC Interactions:
Partial Message Recognition: Enhanced NPCs Hugo and Scion to recognize messages based on partial content. This functionality is currently active for Hugo and will be extended to Scion and other NPCs.
This makes NPC interactions smoother and more intuitive.

Gameplay Enhancements:
New Wyrm Spawn: Added wyrm spawns on the right side of the depot in Liberty Bay.
Pass-Through Tiles: Implemented the ability for players to pass through certain tiles within protection zones, currently including stone tiles and a few water tiles. The selection of these tiles will be adjusted based on feedback.
Quest Consistency: Fixed two potential issues in the postman quest that could prevent players from progressing.

World Interactions:
Water Interaction Fix: Removed a plank that allowed players to stand on water.

Quest Enhancements:
Unnatural Selection and Green Djinn Quests: Made both suggested spots valid for the Unnatural Selection mission and harmonized the Green Djinn quest progression paths between the Polish and English wikipedia.

Guild and Housing:
Guild-House Depots and Location Fixes: Addressed issues with guild-house depots and corrected missing squares in various locations.

Discord Communication:
Error Reporting: Players are encouraged to report non-essential errors (those that don't prevent gameplay or aren't game-breaking) in the Bug Reports section of Discord.
Direct Messages: Direct messages to the administration should be reserved for issues that prevent game play or if a player is stuck.
FAQ Consultation: Reminded players to consult the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) channel before asking questions, to reduce redundancy.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed INQ Boss Count Issue: Corrected a bug where defeating two bosses in the Inner Nexus Quest sometimes did not count.
Jack Fate's Responses: Ensured Jack Fate now correctly provides location responses instead of time-related answers.
Oramond Item Actions: Disabled actions on specific Oramond items that caused game crashes.
Bo'ques Storyline Addition: Fixed an issue where Bo'ques did not add the main storyline to the player's quest log if they skipped talking to Melchior.
What a Foolish Quest: Resolved several bugs, including one that prevented sulphur collection with equipment knives and another involving quest contract duplications.
Dialogue Additions: Added missing dialogue lines for Zumtah, player guidance for exiting a cave scenario.